
Spiral Technology - OTIS-9

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Basic TMATS Support Module - Graphical User Interface & TMATS Editor

The OTIS-9 graphical user interface (GUI) module is the foundation of the OTIS product family. It provides support for the hierarchical TMATS structure including all of the standard's defined attributes groups. When importing a TMATS file, OTIS-9 presents the user with an easy to read and understand windowed display of the information contained in this file. At this point the user may modify these attributes using a simple "fill-in-the-blank" and "pull-down-menu" interface. Once modification has been completed, the user may save his/her new TMATS file from the OTIS-9 file menu. This file is saved in the standard TMATS format. Of course, telemetry attributes may be defined from scratch using this GUI and saved as a standard TMATS file.

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screen The OTIS-9 GUI is an interactive editor that allows a user to create or edit TMATS files. OTIS-9 is a Microsoft Windows(TM) application. The two main benefits of using the OTIS-9 editor are ease of use and data verification.

A typical TMATS file can be a long, almost impossible file to manually edit and comprehend. OTIS-9 solves this problem by presenting data stored in a TMATS file using easy to understand "forms" and graphics. Various attributes found within a TMATS file are often hard to comprehend visually. Such items as PCM or 1553 format definitions, are difficult to visualize in TMATS. OTIS-9 solves this problem by presenting these definitions using a graphical interface that shows definitions in a visually appealing and easy to understand format. Changes to these definitions can be made using simple point-and-click commands with the mouse.

A TMATS file is structured as an ASCII database. Each section is linked together, and changes in one field can often require corresponding changes in other fields. Small and hard to find errors can result in an invalid TMATS definition. OTIS-9 solves this problem by extensive error checking during loading. Any changes made to the TMATS file once loaded into OTIS-9 are verified before being saved. This insures that any user changes in a particular section of a TMATS file will be correctly referenced in the rest of the file.

Although a TMATS file must contain all fields necessary for a complete definition, there is no requirement that the fields be in any order within the file. Similarly, numerous TMATS commands can be placed on the same line in the file. This can further increase the problems associated with editing a TMATS file manually. OTIS-9 solves this problem by two methods:

First, when a TMATS file is loaded into OTIS-9, it is broken down into the basic building blocks that make up the file. For a typical TMATS file with 10 sections defined, each section will be extracted and maintained separately within OTIS-9. Since each section of a TMATS file may contain more than one definition, each definition within a section is further broken down to the individual definition. This allows for easier and faster searching, and makes the TMATS file easier to manage.

Second, a TMATS file created or saved using the OTIS-9 product is re-ordered according to sections, and commands within each section. This ensures that a TMATS file will be saved in a more logical order, with all similar data stored together.

OTIS-9 Report Generation Option

generation screen The OTIS-9 Report Generation Option provides the user with a variety of reports regarding the TMATS file which is currently open and active within OTIS. The Report Types include:

  • Measurement List
  • Major Frame
  • PCM Format Attributes

As shown in the screen display above, reports are available in a variety of options for the convenience of the user. These include:

  • The ability to print to a file, the printer, or the screen.
  • The ability to output a delimited ASCII file to be used by other applications as required.
  • The ability to select numerous formatting options for printing, such as Font, Headers/Footers, and Page Numbering.
  • The user may select the information he/she wants to be presented in the Measurement List Report.
  • Measurements may be sorted by Name or Frame Word Position/Frame Number
OTIS-9 Calibration Support

Also included in the Reports Option is full support for Calibration Data Entry by entering the calibration data pair sets in the form of Raw Counts along with the associated Engineering Units (EU) Value.

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screen Features of the OTIS-9 Calibration Support include:
  • Graph Engineering Units Calibration against actual Calibration Data.
  • Select the Order of the EU Fit desired.
  • Correlation Coefficient and RMS Calculations presented to determine the accuracy of the fit.
  • Identify Zero and R-Cal Points
  • Print a Graph Report once the Calibration is Satisfactory.
  • Select Coefficients, Pair Sets, or Pair Sets with Cal for output to TMATS

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